Dear Warriors Nation,After having some time to review the 2022 MLR season for the Utah Warriors from just about every angle, despite the 5-11 record and some mid-season changes that were required, I’m grateful to say that the organization has made significant progress this season on and off the field and that our expectation is to begin realizing the fruits of this organization’s hard work in the very near future.In business, we often hear that “done is better than perfect.” Speaking for the Utah Warriors, we don’t buy that approach. At the Warriors, we endeavor every day to build a foundation that will last for generations. To achieve that goal we need to strive for constant improvement. Our daily goal is the endless pursuit of perfection by doing the little things right by not taking shortcuts or doing things the easy way. This, we believe, is the only way we will achieve our goal of being best-in-class on the field and off.To that end, we draw on our history and the work of Utah’s early Pioneers. The Salt Lake Temple has been an iconic Utah landmark for more than 130 years. However, the edifice took more than 40 years to build and owes its longevity to the uncompromising pursuit of “doing it right” from its builders.In the late 1850s after years of laying the cornerstones and much of the foundation had been laid Pioneer leader Brigham Young directed that the foundation be buried, given the perceived threat of a possible war and persecution, in order to hide the building and protect it from damage. When the threat passed and the foundation was unearthed, cracks were discovered in the foundation’s blocks, many of which were sandstone.Rather than continue building on an imperfect foundation the pioneers replaced the blocks with fitted granite foundation stones. No easy task, even today with our technological advancements, let alone in the mid-19th century. Yet without the unwavering pursuit of “doing it right,” the Salt Lake Temple may not be the icon it is today.“Doing it right” is the attitude and mindset we drive for at the Utah Warriors. As we build the foundation for a multi-generational Utah brand and community staple “good enough” isn’t enough.This season we’ve had successes and we’ve had challenges. We’ve had to fix cracks in our foundation while we’ve also seen great successes that we can build on in the years ahead. We are incredibly proud of the foundation we are building as a best-in-class sports property in the state of Utah and in Global Rugby.Based on our 2022 review this foundational work has been taken on in a variety of lines of effort.This kind of “foundational” work is key to the successful establishment of a professional sports and entertainment business for its long-term growth. We won’t see the generational success of the Warriors’ vision to build North America’s epicenter of rugby if we don’t ensure that the foundation is prepared with precision and sustainability.While the 2022 results on the field haven’t been what we hoped, the hard work to ensure the Utah Warriors will be able to win on and off the field for decades has been the focus for this staff and the players.The Utah Warriors are one of the lucky teams in the MLR to have the combination of a strong ownership group and a committed staff focused on this long-term perspective. Regardless of this “big picture” perspective, the Utah Warriors are fully committed to ensuring the dedication and perseverance of these players, staff, and especially the fans over these last five years are rewarded.As such, we are excited to make some announcements in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead that will demonstrate how the Utah Warriors will look to build on the “foundational” work that has been done over the last five years. Stay tuned for some exciting news and updates as the Warriors staff and players have already begun building towards the 2023 MLR season!In the meantime, I’d like to thank Warriors Nation for your continued support and commitment to the vision and purpose of the Utah Warriors. We’re building this for you and for your kids and we hope you’ll stay as committed to the work we all need to do in order to realize the vision of building North America’s epicenter of rugby.As part of our ongoing effort to provide you and our growing Warriors Nation family with the best experience on and off the field, we’d welcome your feedback on how we can continue to improve your Warriors Nation experience. CLICK HERE to take this survey.I’d also like to thank our amazing staff and players that work unbelievably hard to build the Utah Warriors into the MLR’s premier organization and one of the best professional sports staff in the state of Utah. I consider myself lucky to work alongside such a committed group of professionals.Like Utah’s early Pioneers who took the time to establish the right foundation that would carry the load for one of Utah’s most iconic landmarks, the Utah Warriors, our staff and above all, the players, are similarly committed to “doing it right” by laying the foundation for a long-lasting legacy on and off the field.Thank you again! I can’t wait for the 2023 season to be here!GO WARRIORS!Kimball KjarCo-Founder & CEO


"I was able to bring my family to three games. It was a lot of fun for all the kids, my wife, and myself. The atmosphere is very family-friendly for even my youngest kids. I had 4 children attend the pregame Jr. Warriors clinics on 2 separate occasions; they had a lot of fun with those experiences and it was a very positive and encouraging environment."


